1.) All work is valuable. Not all work is fulfilling.
Enough said on this one.
2.) Success is not one size fits all.
College is not the answer for everyone. For me, graduating was a deeply profound, personal success earned over 8 years of working low paying, unchallenging, frustrating jobs, where I always felt “less than”. I refused to let that be my destiny and graduating from college opened doors for me.
3.) There’s no such thing as a wasted experience.
Looking back, it’s amazing how the lessons learned from every experience in the past serve to inform the positions that followed (even the low paying, frustrating ones with terrible bosses and difficult coworkers). I learned to seek new positions with more of what I liked and less of what I didn’t (and the strategy of how to do this) and adjust and readjust from there.
4.) If you’re finally getting no’s, you’re finally in the right league.
Back in the day, I didn’t even have to prepare for an interview to get an offer. Once, I quit my job and on the drive home saw a Now Hiring sign, walked in and got a new one on the spot. When I entered grad school I found myself surrounded by equal contenders pitted against each other for opportunities. The rejection was brutal. The self doubt at an all time high. And then I realized, I’ve made it. I’ve leveled up. I have been struggling to be in the same orbit as them for years. To this day friends from that cohort of women are still some of my most trusted and cherished relationships in my life.
Of course I won’t get every win- this isn’t the club level anymore.
This is varsity.
5.) The hardest no’s are often a prelude to the biggest yes’s.
Looking back, there are opportunities I’ve gotten right after a tough rejection that have impacted my life far greater than the position I originally had my heart set on could have. The ones that are meant to be always work out smoothly, with no drama or anxiety. The ones laden with panic, scarcity, and doubt always go awry.
Thank you for reading! Follow me @wwhlifedesign on social media or book an appointment online through this site